
Local Notion Manual


1. Introduction

Local Notion v1.0 is a command-line (CLI) utility that is used to synchronize Notion content onto your local machine. It can be used in a variety of use-cases from backup to website generation.

2. Hardware Requirements

Type Details
Machine Minimalist (runs on 15 year old hardware)
Memory/RAM 1GB RAM
Storage/SSD - System 250MB
Operating System Windows 8+, Linux (most distros), macOS
Software Standard

3. Installation

To install Local Notion simply download a suitable platform distribution and unzip it to a temporary folder. Please read the README.txt which provides platform specific instructions or follow the guides below.

ℹ️ We recommend you run the installer script found in your distributable to simplify this process. Alternatively you can simply just copy the localnotion executable binary to a folder on your local machine and ensure your PATH environment variables maps to it. Consult the README.txt for specific instructions there.

Easy Method

  1. Unzip all the files download into a temporary folder.
  2. Open explorer and run the "install.bat" file.

Manual Method

  1. Choose a folder where local notion application will reside (e.g. c:\Program Files\Local Notion).
    ℹ️ The remainder of this section refer to this folder as c:\Program Files\Local Notion
  2. Copy the localnotion.exe file into your chosen directory "c:\Program Files\Local Notion"
  3. Set your environment path to point to the directory c:\Program Files\Local Notion. Follow these steps:

    3.1 Click Windows Start button (bottom left)

    3.2 Type "Environment" in the search bar and select Edit the system environment variables

    3.3 Select Environment Variables button

    3.4 In the lower System Variables box, select Path and then Edit

    3.5 Select New and enter in your chosen directory c:\Program Files\Local Notion

To install Local Notion copy the localnotion executable to your /usr/local/bin folder.

Follow either EASY or MANUAL method below.

Easy Method

  1. Open Finder and navigate to the ZIP file, extract it somewhere temporarily.
  2. Find the extracted install.sh file, right click on it and select Open With
  3. Select Terminal (go to Other then look for Utilities folder and make sure you select All Applications on the Enable option)
    ℹ️ The script will ask you to enter your password in order to complete.
    ℹ️ Since macOS blocks most apps not delivered via app store, you now have to allow localnotion to run. To do this simply
  4. Open Settings -> Security & Privacy -> General tab and Allow "localnotion" to execute.

Manual Method

  1. Open Finder and navigate to the ZIP file, extract it somewhere
  2. Right click on the extracted localnotion file and select Copy
  3. Right click on the Finder button on your Dock bar and select Go to Folder
  4. Type /usr/bin/local (without the quotes) and hit enter
  5. Once inside that folder, press CMD-V to paste localnotion in the folder
    ℹ️ You now have to allow localnotion to run since macOS blocks most apps not delivered via app store. To do this simply
  6. Go to Settings -> Security & Privacy -> General tab and Allow "localnotion" to execute.

To install Local Notion, simply copy the localnotion executable to your /usr/local/bin folder. Follow either EASY or MANUAL method below.

Easy Method

  1. Open Files and navigate to the ZIP file, extract it somewhere temporarily.
  2. Find install.sh file, right click on it and select Run as a program.
ℹ️ If Run as a program isn't available, you'll need to add execute permission as follows by: right-clicking on install.sh -> Properties -> Permissions -> Allow executing file as a program then try step 2 again.

Manual Method

  1. Extract ZIP file to temporarily folder
  2. Open terminal and navigate to the extracted files
  3. Copy localnotion app to /usr/local/bin with the following command
    sudo cp localnotion /usr/local/bin
  4. Make localnotion app an executable with the following command
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/localnotion
ℹ️ You have installed Local Notion. To test, open a new Command Prompt window and type localnotion. If the installation was successful you should see the CLI help screen. If you see "command not found" type of error, ensure that your PATH environment variable points to the installation folder. then something has gone wrong.
ℹ️ After installation, we recommend you review the 🆕 Getting Started guide to help you configure Notion.

4. Generating your Notion Integration token

Generating a Notion Integration token is a relatively simple procedure which you only need to do once. Follow these steps:

4.1 Open Notion Settings & Members

4.2 Select Connections and then Develop or manage integrations

4.3 Add a New Integration

4.4 Choose a name for your integration such as Local Notion

4.5 Scroll down and save your changes

4.6 Copy your Internal Integration token

ℹ️ Ensure that you keep note of your Notion Integration token (step 7) in secure manner. You will need this token to create your Local Notion repository.

5. Granting access to your content

In order for Local Notion to see your content you must grant your Integration permissions to it. To do this,

  1. Select the top-level Page or Database in your Workspace you want to grant permissions to.
  2. Select the “…” on top-right.
  3. Select Add Connections.
  4. Select the integration you created in Section 4 .
  5. Repeat 1 - 4 to all the top-level content you would like Local Notion to see.

Granting access to your content

ℹ️ When you grant this connection to a page, all child pages and databases will inherit this connection.
ℹ️ We recommended that you apply the above to all your top-level documents and databases.

6. Command-Line Interface

6.1 Usage

To use Local Notion, open Command Prompt (for Windows) or Terminal (for macOS/Linux) and navigate to a folder you would like to act as your Local Notion repository.

ℹ️ In the same way that Git command line assumes the current working directory to be the source repository, Local Notion assumes the current working directory to be the Local Notion repository.

In order to use Local Notion you must specify the command and the command arguments for whatever you want to do.

ℹ️ Ensure Local Notion is installed before attempting to use. See Install section for guidance.

6.1.1 Example: Initializing a repo on the current working directory

> localnotion init -k secret_TheKeyYouCopiedInStep4.6


6.1.2 Example: Listing the contents of your Notion repo

> localnotion list
Listing workspace  (use --all switch to include child objects)
33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Travel Planner
da25c259-3c33-47ec-8811-79992f971f88   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Vision and Strategy
d8465046-b4fc-4335-b5a3-f5f5c7973845   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Habit Tracker
f351bc2f-e15e-4d66-b309-615977058c33   DB   2023-03-12 18:34   Yearly Bill Tracker
69f08327-e462-45d6-8e1e-924751e96596   DB   2023-03-12 18:34   Job Schedule
93c1430e-8665-4af7-b314-ba8b3c347701   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Tasks
3204f796-0a5e-4464-97a0-f72c3ca1c27d   P    2023-03-12 18:33   Personal CRM
433d81be-167f-4d40-bb17-5027fa3de988   P    2023-03-12 18:33   Expenses - Riddle N Rhyme
42e36f7a-7d52-4b95-86b3-b4ac63cdbb3e   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Invoice Tracker
b50df9dc-f5f7-4966-87b8-fe6f3f771638   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Riddle N Rhyme Cleaning Job Tracker
e23321d7-9f2a-4e1c-b6be-8131e28657f1   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Shopping List
7cf01c62-42cd-4965-86b0-3659ffe8b252   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Kids Activity Timetable 2023
3bab0d41-d487-48e3-9cbe-4e8a9a9ddce0   DB   2023-03-12 18:32   Places To Go On Weekends!


6.1.3 Example: Pulling down the entire workspace

> localnotion pull -a
[Info] Querying Notion for objects to pull
[Info] Fetching page '33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3'
[Info] Fetching page graph for 'Travel Planner' (33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3)
[Info] Added resource 'Travel Planner' (33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3)
[Info] Fetching page '25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105'
[Info] Fetching page graph for 'Packing List' (25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105)
[Info] Added resource 'Packing List' (25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105)
[Info] Fetching page '0f455e79-8afa-4510-aa84-e6ee86378aa7'
[Info] Fetching page graph for 'Hotels & Contacts' (0f455e79-8afa-4510-aa84-e6ee86378aa7)
[Info] Added resource 'Hotels & Contacts' (0f455e79-8afa-4510-aa84-e6ee86378aa7)
[Info] Rendering page 'Travel Planner'
[Info] Updated resource 'Travel Planner' (33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3)
[Info] Rendering page 'Packing List'
[Info] Updated resource 'Packing List' (25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105)
[Info] Rendering page 'Hotels & Contacts'

ℹ️ When using Local Notion CLI keep the following points in mind:
  • Local Notion assumes the current working directory to be the Local Notion repository (similar to how Git works).
  • To get a list of all the commands run localnotion
  • To get help on a specific command run localnotion help <command-name>
  • Objects in Notion are always referenced by their GUID.
  • To get an object GUID, run a localnotion list command to enumerate all your Notion content.
  • If no contents are visible, ensure that you have added your Integration to the top-level pages and databases in your workspace.

6.2 Commands

Local Notion CLI offers a variety of commands to help you manage your Local Notion repository.

  status     Provides status of the Local Notion repository

  init       Creates a Local Notion repository

  clean      Cleans your local Notion repository by removing dangling pages, files and databases

  remove     Remove resources from a Local Notion repository

  list       Lists objects from Notion which can be pulled into Local Notion

  sync       Synchronizes a Local Notion repository with Notion (until process manually terminated)

  pull       Pulls Notion objects into a Local Notion repository

  render     Renders a Local Notion object (using local state only)

  prune      Removes objects from a Local Notion that no longer exist in Notion

  license    Manages Local Notion license

  help       Display more information on a specific command.

  version    Display version information.


6.2.1 status

The status command prints out the status of your Local Notion repository.


  -p, --path       Path to Local Notion repository

  -v, --verbose    Display debug information in console output

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.



d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion status
Local Notion Status:
        Total Resources: 219
        Total Objects: 484
        Total Graphs: 219

        Local Notion Resource Paths (relative):
                File: files
                Page: pages
                Database: databases
                Workspace: workspaces

        Internal Resource Paths (relative):
                Registry: .localnotion/registry.json
                Objects: .localnotion/objects
                Graphs: .localnotion/graphs
                Themes: .localnotion/themes
                Logs: .localnotion/logs


6.2.2 init

The init command is used to create a Local Notion repository. Similar to “git init”, this command assumes the current working directory to be the repository root. This can be overridden using the -p command.


  -p, --path                   Path to Local Notion repository

  -k, --key                    Notion API key to use when contacting notion (do not pass in low
                               security environment)

  -l, --log-level              (Default: info) Logging level in log files (Options: debug, info,
                               warning, error)

  -x, --profile                (Default: backup) Determines how to organizes files and generate links
                               in your repository (options: backup, offline, publishing, website)

  -t, --themes                 Custom theme(s) used for rendering

  -v, --verbose                Display debug information in console output

  --override-objects-path      Override path where notion objects are stored

  --override-pages-path        Override path where rendered pages are stored

  --override-db-path           Override path where rendered databases are stored

  --override-workspace-path    Override path where rendered workspace pages are stored

  --override-files-path        Override path where files are stored

  --override-themes-path       Override path where local notion themes are stored

  --override-logs-path         Override path that stores the log files

  --override-mode              Override the link generation mode ("offline" generates links to local
                               files whereas "online" links to remote web server

  --override-base-url          Override base URL for generated content links

  --help                       Display this help screen.

  --version                    Display version information.

ℹ️ Storing the key inside a Local Notion repository makes it easy to use but less secure than explicitly passing the key on every command.


> localnotion init -k secret_TheKeyYouCopiedInStep4.6
[Info] Location Notion repository has been created


6.2.3 clean

The clean command will remove any files which are not part of the registry (refer to Section 7 for information about the registry)


  -p, --path       Path to Local Notion repository

  -v, --verbose    Display debug information in console output

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.



d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion clean
[Info] Location Notion repository has been cleaned


6.2.4 remove

The remove command is used to delete objects from you Local Notion repository (but not Notion).


  -p, --path       Path to Local Notion repository (default is current working dir)

  --all            Removes entire repository

  -o, --objects    List of Notion objects to remove (i.e. pages, databases, workspaces)

  -v, --verbose    Display debug information in console output

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.


Example: Removing a page

d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion remove -o fc496c15-df1d-430f-a6ac-d1079ccf5dc3
[Info] Removed resource 'Untitled' (fc496c15-df1d-430f-a6ac-d1079ccf5dc3)
[Info] Removed resource: fc496c15-df1d-430f-a6ac-d1079ccf5dc3
[Info] Removed object: fc496c15-df1d-430f-a6ac-d1079ccf5dc3


6.2.5 list

The list command is to explore your remote Notion workspace. It prints out all the objects Local Notion can see, allowing you to pull them.


  -o, --objects    Filter by these objects (default lists workspace)

  -a, --all        Include child items

  -f, --filter     Filter by object title

  -k, --key        Notion API key to (overrides key specified in repository)

  -p, --path       Path to Local Notion repository (default is current working dir)

  -v, --verbose    Display debug information in console output

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.


Example: List the top-level objects only

d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion list
Listing workspace  (use --all switch to include child objects)
33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Travel Planner
da25c259-3c33-47ec-8811-79992f971f88   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Vision and Strategy
d8465046-b4fc-4335-b5a3-f5f5c7973845   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Habit Tracker
f351bc2f-e15e-4d66-b309-615977058c33   DB   2023-03-12 18:34   Yearly Bill Tracker
69f08327-e462-45d6-8e1e-924751e96596   DB   2023-03-12 18:34   Job Schedule
93c1430e-8665-4af7-b314-ba8b3c347701   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Tasks
3204f796-0a5e-4464-97a0-f72c3ca1c27d   P    2023-03-12 18:33   Personal CRM
433d81be-167f-4d40-bb17-5027fa3de988   P    2023-03-12 18:33   Expenses - Riddle N Rhyme Cleaning
42e36f7a-7d52-4b95-86b3-b4ac63cdbb3e   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Invoice Tracker
b50df9dc-f5f7-4966-87b8-fe6f3f771638   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Riddle N Rhyme Cleaning Job Tracker
e23321d7-9f2a-4e1c-b6be-8131e28657f1   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Shopping List
7cf01c62-42cd-4965-86b0-3659ffe8b252   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Kids Activity Timetable 2023
3bab0d41-d487-48e3-9cbe-4e8a9a9ddce0   DB   2023-03-12 18:32   Places To Go On Weekends!


Example: List all objects

d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion list --all
Listing workspace
33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Travel Planner
da25c259-3c33-47ec-8811-79992f971f88   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Vision and Strategy
d8465046-b4fc-4335-b5a3-f5f5c7973845   P    2023-03-12 18:34   Habit Tracker
f351bc2f-e15e-4d66-b309-615977058c33   DB   2023-03-12 18:34   Yearly Bill Tracker
69f08327-e462-45d6-8e1e-924751e96596   DB   2023-03-12 18:34   Job Schedule
93c1430e-8665-4af7-b314-ba8b3c347701   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Tasks
3204f796-0a5e-4464-97a0-f72c3ca1c27d   P    2023-03-12 18:33   Personal CRM
433d81be-167f-4d40-bb17-5027fa3de988   P    2023-03-12 18:33   Expenses - Riddle N Rhyme Cleaning
42e36f7a-7d52-4b95-86b3-b4ac63cdbb3e   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Invoice Tracker
b50df9dc-f5f7-4966-87b8-fe6f3f771638   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Riddle N Rhyme Cleaning Job Tracker
e23321d7-9f2a-4e1c-b6be-8131e28657f1   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Shopping List
7cf01c62-42cd-4965-86b0-3659ffe8b252   DB   2023-03-12 18:33   Kids Activity Timetable 2023
3bab0d41-d487-48e3-9cbe-4e8a9a9ddce0   DB   2023-03-12 18:32   Places To Go On Weekends!
4838a382-e4f6-4136-96e4-50b644974f9b   P    2023-03-12 18:10   GREY AND TRACIE AUTUMN LEAVES SPRINGWOOD 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
21767bc0-39cb-4bb5-80dc-350842ec6431   P    2023-03-12 18:09   MEL 4 FOREST
1a88d4a4-ef50-44ba-86d0-6045fcd3c276   P    2023-03-10 20:21   Katrina
8d4c5e76-73b0-45b6-b7a6-333badd68353   P    2023-03-10 20:17   Michelle One Off
68bd46a0-bce5-409a-9b5f-a35e56ebe678   P    2023-03-06 10:54   Sphere 10 Software Office Reception


6.2.6 sync

The sync command synchronizes your Local Notion repository with Notion. Synchronization works by continuously pulling content from Notion in a loop until the process is terminated (or aborted via CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK). This command is intended to be used by a background services/daemon.

ℹ️ For auto-backup scenarios, you would typically run a localnotion sync as a background service.
  • In Windows you could use a utility like nssm to setup a Windows Service.
  • In Linux you can setup a systemd service.
  • In macOS you can setup a launchd service.


  -f, --poll-frequency    (Default: 30) How often to poll Notion for changes

  -o, --objects           (Group: target) List of Notion objects to pull (i.e. pages, databases)

  -a, --all               (Group: target) Pull all objects from Notion workspace into repository

  -k, --key               Notion API key to use (overrides repository key if any)

  -p, --path              Path to Local Notion repository (default is current working dir)

  --render                (Default: true) Renders objects after pull

  --render-type           (Default: html) Type of rendering to use (HTML, PDF)

  --render-mode           (Default: readonly) Rendering mode for objects (ReadOnly, Editable)

  --fault-tolerant        (Default: true) Continues processing on failures

  --force                 Forces downloading of objects even if unchanged

  -v, --verbose           Display debug information in console output

  --help                  Display this help screen.

  --version               Display version information.



d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion sync --all -f 10
Synchronizing every 10 seconds (send Break or CTRL-C to stop)
Synchronizing Updates: 2023-03-13 05:39:50
[Info] Querying Notion for objects to pull
[Info] No changes detected for `Travel Planner`
[Info] Fetching page '25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105'
[Info] No changes detected for `Packing List`
[Info] Fetching page '0f455e79-8afa-4510-aa84-e6ee86378aa7'
[Info] No changes detected for `Hotels & Contacts`
[Info] No changes detected for `Vision and Strategy`
[Info] No changes detected for `Habit Tracker`
[Info] Fetching updated pages for database 'f351bc2f-e15e-4d66-b309-615977058c33'
[Info] No changes detected for `Office Reception`
[Info] No changes detected for `Canva Subscription`
[Info] No changes detected for `Untitled`
[Info] No changes detected for `Car Insurance`
[Info] No changes detected for `Office Reception`
[Info] No changes detected for `Car Registration`
[Info] No changes detected for `Office Reception`
[Info] No changes detected for `Business Insurance`
[Info] No changes detected for `Untitled`
[Info] No changes detected for `Drivers License`


6.2.7 pull

The pull command pulls object data from Notion and renders it locally in your repository.


  -o, --objects       (Group: target) List of Notion objects to pull (i.e. pages, databases)

  -a, --all           (Group: target) Pull all objects from Notion workspace into repository

  -k, --key           Notion API key to use (overrides repository key if any)

  -p, --path          Path to Local Notion repository (default is current working dir)

  --render            (Default: true) Renders objects after pull

  --render-type       (Default: html) Type of rendering to use (HTML, PDF)

  --render-mode       (Default: readonly) Rendering mode for objects (ReadOnly, Editable)

  --fault-tolerant    (Default: true) Continues processing on failures

  --force             Forces downloading of objects even if unchanged

  -v, --verbose       Display debug information in console output

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.


Example: Pull a specific page

d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion pull -o 33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3
[Info] No changes detected for `Travel Planner`
[Info] Fetching page '25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105'
[Info] No changes detected for `Packing List`
[Info] Fetching page '0f455e79-8afa-4510-aa84-e6ee86378aa7'
[Info] No changes detected for `Hotels & Contacts`


Example: Pull entire workspace

d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion pull --all
[Info] Querying Notion for objects to pull
[Info] No changes detected for `Travel Planner`
[Info] Fetching page '25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105'
[Info] No changes detected for `Packing List`
[Info] Fetching page '0f455e79-8afa-4510-aa84-e6ee86378aa7'
[Info] No changes detected for `Hotels & Contacts`
[Info] No changes detected for `Vision and Strategy`
[Info] No changes detected for `Habit Tracker`
[Info] Fetching updated pages for database 'f351bc2f-e15e-4d66-b309-615977058c33'
[Info] No changes detected for `Office Reception`


6.2.8 render

The render command is used to re-render a Page or Database resource based on the locally stored state. This command is useful when customizing your styles, since it allows you to re-render pages without needing Notion.


  -p, --path          Path to Local Notion repository (default is current working dir)

  -o, --objects       List of object ID's to render (i.e. page(s), database(s), workspace)

  -a, --all           Renders all objects in repository

  --render-type       (Default: html) Type of rendering to use (HTML, PDF)

  --render-mode       (Default: readonly) Rendering mode for objects (ReadOnly, Editable)

  --fault-tolerant    (Default: true) Continues processing on failures

  -v, --verbose       Display debug information in console output

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.


Example: Rendering a Page

d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion render -o 33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3
[Info] Rendering page 'Travel Planner'
[Info] Updated resource 'Travel Planner' (33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3)


Example: Rendering everything

d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion render -a
[Info] Rendering page 'Travel Planner'
[Info] Updated resource 'Travel Planner' (33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3)
[Info] Rendering page 'Packing List'
[Info] Updated resource 'Packing List' (25348080-0cd6-4eb7-a3f2-d37cec40a105)
[Info] Rendering page 'Hotels & Contacts'
[Info] Updated resource 'Hotels & Contacts' (0f455e79-8afa-4510-aa84-e6ee86378aa7)
[Info] Rendering page 'Vision and Strategy'
[Info] Updated resource 'Vision and Strategy' (da25c259-3c33-47ec-8811-79992f971f88)
[Info] Rendering page 'Habit Tracker'
[Info] Updated resource 'Habit Tracker' (d8465046-b4fc-4335-b5a3-f5f5c7973845)
[Info] Rendering page 'Office Reception'
[Info] Updated resource 'Office Reception' (36c93808-b9cc-46ad-adb1-8cd3f4db4d5b)
[Info] Rendering page 'Canva Subscription'


6.2.9 prune

The prune command is used to remove from Local Notion objects that no longer exist in Notion.

⚠️ This command is currently not implemened


  -r, --path       Path to Local Notion repository (default current working dir)

  -o, --objects    List of object ID's to keep (i.e. page(s), database(s), workspace)

  -v, --verbose    Display debug information in console output

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.


6.2.10 license

The license command is used to activate your purchased product key to unlock all features.


  -a, --activate    (Group: Option) Activate Local Notion with your product key

  --status          (Group: Option) Display the status of your Local Notion license

  --verify          (Group: Option) Verify your Local Notion license with Sphere 10 Software

  -v, --verbose     Display debug information in console output

  --help            Display this help screen.

  --version         Display version information.



d:\Databases\vivia>localnotion license -a X1AE-LKF3-BNM8-PCJR
[Info] Activating License...
[Info] License Activated
[Info] Product Key: ****-****-****-PJZR. You are using the full version of this software.


7. Local Notion Registry

Local Notion tracks pages, files within the registry.json files found in the .localnotion internal folder.

  "version": 1,
  "notion_api_key": "secret_TheKeyYouCopiedInStep4.7",
  "default_themes": [
  "paths": {
    "mode": "offline",
    "repository_path": "../",
    "base_url": "",
    "objects_path": ".localnotion/objects",
    "graphs_path": ".localnotion/graphs",
    "properties_path": ".localnotion/properties",
    "themes_path": ".localnotion/themes",
    "files_path": "files",
    "databases_path": "databases",
    "workspace_path": "workspaces",
    "pages_path": "pages",
    "logs_path": ".localnotion/logs",
    "use_page_id_folders": true,
    "use_file_id_folders": true,
    "use_database_id_folders": true,
    "use_workspace_id_folders": true,
    "download_external": false
  "log_level": "info",
  "resources": [
      "type": "page",
      "cover": "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1418985991508-e47386d96a71?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&q=80&cs=tinysrgb&fm=jpg&crop=entropy",
      "thumbnail": {
        "type": "emoji",
        "data": "✈️"
      "name": "travel-planner",
      "created_on": "2022-06-17T10:12:00Z",
      "last_edited_on": "2023-03-12T18:34:00Z",
      "id": "33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3",
      "title": "Travel Planner",
      "parent_resource": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "renders": {
        "html": {
          "local_path": "pages\\33c6a405-2b1e-4cd6-82a0-2236c820cf8a3\\Travel Planner.html",
          "slug": "pages/33c6a405-2b1e-4bd6-82a0-236c820cc8a3/travel-planner"
      "last_synced_on": "2023-03-12T18:39:35.7432696Z"
		...... more resources

💡 Applications can use the registry.json to access the content within a Local Notion repository.