

Juicing is the process of extracting and consuming the juices from fruits and vegetables.  It is known that the juice from raw fruits and vegetables has powerful healing and rejuvenating properties that can help people with all sorts of health problems. Many RSI sufferers have supplemented their diets with raw juices and realized significant relief in RSI symptoms. Some claim that improved diet has cured their condition.  The following juicing recipes have been used by RSI sufferers to successfully eliminate symptoms and aid in their recovery.

RSI Blend 1:
• 125g chopped broccoli
• 1 cm slice fresh ginger root
• 2 oranges or 1 grapefruit
• 3 strawberries
• 1 tsp fresh wheat germ oil
• 1 tsp fresh lecithin granules
• 1 tsp grounded flaxseed or 1 tsp flaxseed oil
RSI Blend 2:
• 6 strawberries or 1 small bunch of grapes
• 1 cup chopped broccoli
• 1 carrot
• 6 string beans
• 2 lettuce leaves
RSI Blend 3:
• 2 large spinach leaves
• 2 stems celery
• 2-3 lettuce leaves
• 1 medium beetroot & tops
• 1 cup grapes or 1 medium carrot
• 1 tomato
RSI Blend 4:
• 1 cm fresh ginger root
• ¼ Pineapple
• 1 apple (no core but with skin)
• ½ Lebanese cucumber

The reasons why simple juices could provide such benefit is most likely due to the healing and rejuvenating properties of the fruits and vegetables used. These juices cleanse the intestines by providing living enzymes that improve digestion and break down mucous. Enzymes catalyse the metabolic process used in digestion and cellular energy production. Juices also reduce the acidity and toxicity in the body by providing natural anti-inflammatory substances which reduce pain and prevent cell destruction. Juices are filled with anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids to help fight cancer and prevent inflammation.

How to juice There are various types of juicing machines one can use. Centrifugal Juicer: This type of juicer chops the produce into pieces and throws them against a very fine filter shaped like a spinning bowl. This filter separates the fibre from the juice. These are the cheapest and most common juicing machines. Grinder: Grinds produce into very small particles and presses them through a screen to extract the juice from the fibre. This type of machine can also be used to make butters and spreads for nuts and seeds. It can also be used to make baby foods. These can be expensive. Hydraulic Presses: This machine uses a hydraulic press and a grinder. The pressing action turns the fruits and vegetables into a paste which is then pressed further, each iteration extracting the juice.

How to juice

There are various types of juicing machines one can use.

Centrifugal Juicer:  This type of juicer chops the produce into pieces and throws them against a very fine filter shaped like a spinning bowl. This filter separates the fibre from the juice. These are the cheapest and most common juicing machines.

Grinder: Grinds produce into very small particles and presses them through a screen to extract the juice from the fibre. This type of machine can also be used to make butters and spreads for nuts and seeds. It can also be used to make baby foods.  These can be expensive.

Hydraulic Presses: This machine uses a hydraulic press and a grinder. The pressing action turns the fruits and vegetables into a paste which is then pressed further, each iteration extracting the juice.

Plant Index

Plant Nutrients & Pythochemicals Healing Properties
Alfalfa Sprouts Vitamins: B, C, E, K, folic acid & beta-carotene.
Minerals: magnesium, sulphur, chlorine, silicon, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium and phosphorous. High in phyto-estrogens.
High in chlorophyll, anaemia, lungs, weight loss, liver function, menopausal symptoms.
Almond milk Vitamins: B & C
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur amino acids.
Nervous system, muscle tone, high calcium.
Apple Vitamins: B & C
Minerals: Potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, silicon and chlorine.
High fibre, helps digestion, soothes intestines, reduces constipation, improves micro flora, reduces bad bacteria & parasites, reduces gallstones and gouty arthritis, and lowers cholesterol. Skin & Core high in mineral and anti-oxidants.
Apricot Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorous.
Excellent for skin, blood tonic, reduces anaemia, reduces IBS, reduces acidity, and improves asthma.
Asparagus Vitamins: B, C, folic acid and beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium.
Helps break acid crystals in Kidneys and muscular system. Reduces rheumatism, reduces kidney stones.
Avocado Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: High in potassium, calcium, and iron and phosphorus. Contains beneficial oils for the cardiovascular system.
Excellent nutritional value, helps ulcers and inflamed digestive system.
Banana Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: Calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium.
Improves digestion and appetite. Reduces digestive inflammation, improves colitis and Crohn’s disease, reduce diarrhea. Avoid when unripe.
Bean sprouts Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene, folic acid.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous and potassium.
High in easily digestible protein. Detoxifies body.
Beans, string Vitamins: B, C, E, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous and potassium.
Strengthens liver and kidneys, high in protein, stabilize blood sugar levels.
Beetroot and tops Vitamins: B, C, folic acid & beta-carotene.
Minerals: Chlorine, manganese, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorous, potassium, chromium, and magnesium.
Cleanses the liver, gall bladder. Helps iron deficiency, improves blood circulation.
Berries Vitamins: C & beta-carotene.
Minerals: potassium, calcium.
Cleanses skin, mild laxative and diuretic, improves kidneys.
Blackberries Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene
Minerals: calcium, iron and potassium
Cleanses blood and skin, is a general tonic, reduces intestinal inflammation, helps anaemia, arthritis and fluid retention. Unripe blackberries help menstrual craps.
Blueberries Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium and potassium.
Blood cleanser and antiseptic. Helps anaemia, diarrhea, intestinal inflammation and skin problems.
Broccoli Vitamins: B, C, folic acid, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium and sulphur.
Good for weight loss, high blood pressure, liver problems and constipation.
Brussels Sprouts Vitamins: B, C, folic acid and beta-carotene.
Minerals: phosphorous, calcium, iron, potassium and sulphur.
Reduces insulin problems, general tonic, relieves constipation, liver problems and excessive weight.
Cabbage Vitamins: B, C, folic acid, beta-carotene.
Minerals: sulphur, chlorine, calcium, potassium, iodine.
Helps digestion and intestinal problems, parasites, bowel ulceration and colitis. Good liver tonic, reduces gallstones, good skin cleanser.
Cantaloupe Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, potassium
Relieves fever, high blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, intestinal gas, kidney problems, and bladder problems.
Carob Vitamins: B, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, copper and magnesium.
Good chocolate substitute, good proteins and carbohydrates, improves overall health, relieves diarrhea.
Carrot Vitamins: B, C, D, E, K, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, chromium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iodine, silica, chlorine, sulphur.
Improves night vision, promotes eye health, excellent for skin conditions, reduces mucous membrane inflammation, relieves intestinal inflammation, liver cleanser, and heals ulcers and stomach conditions.
Cauliflower Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, sulphur, potassium.
Purifies blood, liver tonic, helps kidney and bladder disorders, and relieves constipation.
Celery Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, sulphur
Reduces acidity, helps arthritis, gout, stomach reflux, reduces fluid retention, calms nervous systems, balances blood PH level, helps reduce weight, helps insomnia, kidney/bladder problems.
Cherries Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: phosphorous, potassium, iron, magnesium, silicon.
Blood cleanser, helps anaemia, rheumatism, asthma, high blood pressure, constipation, craps, helps diabetes.
Citrus fruits Vitamins: Vitamin C, white pitch contains many bioflavonoids.
Minerals: potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorous.
Relieves inflamed mucous membranes, helps flu/colds, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, boosts immune system, reduces cancer risk, anti-oxidant, anti-ageing.
Coconut Vitamins: B, C, E
Minerals: calcium, phosphorous, potassium and iron
Relieves sore throat, peptic ulcers, contains natural cholesterol, good source of protein, pleasant food source for all ages.
Coriander Vitamins: B, C, folic acid
Minerals: potassium, sodium, magnesium. Contains good oils, malic acid.
Stimulates bile flow and digestive juices, relieves gas, reduces stomach and intestinal cramps, relieves appetite, helps coughs, helps bladder. Is delicious.
Cranberry Vitamins: C, B, beta-carotene.
Minerals: sodium, potassium, copper, calcium, manganese, phosphorous, iron, zinc, magnesium, sulphur.
Antiseptic properties, reduces urinary tract infection, cleanses skin. Avoid adding sugar as berries become acid-forming.
Cucumber Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: sodium, silica, manganese, sulphur, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, chlorine and magnesium.
Good diuretic, reduces fluid retention, anti-inflammatory effect on urinary tract, gums and skin. Contains silica, good for nails, hair and skin, reduces hair loss, aids protein digestion, high potassium, reduces blood pressure, reduces acidity, relieves arthritis, reduces kidney stones.
Dandelion Vitamins: Beta-carotene, B, E.
Minerals: calcium, iron, sulphur, potassium.
Cleanses liver & biliary system, stimulates bile flow, useful for al liver ailments. General tonic, aids anaemia, helps build blood, helps eczema, constipation, arthritis, rheumatic conditions, pH normalizer.
Dates Vitamins: Beta-carotene, B, E.
Minerals: calcium, iron, sulphur, potassium.
Natural carbohydrates, easily digested, helps low blood pressure, nervousness, good for nursing mothers.
Fennel Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, zinc.
Calms digestion, stimulates gastric secretions, reduces intestinal cramps, relieves intestinal gas, flatulence and bloating.
Figs Vitamins: B, E, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium.
Helps gout, rheumatism, relieves constipation, emaciation, prevents low blood pressure, high sugar content.
Garlic cloves
(and related Allium family vegetables like leeks, onions, shallots, spring onions, chives)
Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: selenium, phosphorous, iron, chromium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, organic sulphur.
Contains allicin which fights infections and reduces cholesterol, very good antibiotic,  destroys intestinal parasites and bad bacteria, boosts immune system to fight cancer (a lot of cancer research involves allicin).
Ginger root Vitamins: C
Minerals: copper, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium.
Natural antibiotic, reduces congestion, fights mucous production, helps nausea & travel sickness, relieves arthritis, inhibits blood clots and lowers cholesterol.
Grapes Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: phosphorous, iron, calcium, potassium, pectin.
Provides quick energy boost, laxative and diuretic qualities, helps anaemia & blood disorders, reduces arthritic inflammation, supports skin, kidney, liver. Eliminates acid, improves complexion.
Grapefruit Vitamins: B, C, E, beta-carotene, biotin, inositol.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium.
Removes excess calcium from joints, helps catarrh, gallstones, obesity, sluggish, liver function, digestive problems, respiratory problems, skin problems.
Guava Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous.
Helps digestion, diarrhea, improves circulation, reduces catarrh, reduces asthma.
Honeydew melon Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iron.
Good diuretic, helps kidney and bladder problems, reduces skin rheumatic and skin conditions, helps lose weight.
Horseradish Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: phosphorous, calcium, sulphur, potassium
Dissolves mucous, natural antibiotic, helps colds, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma. Stimulates appetite, bile flow. Too much can irritate stomach.
Kelp (kombu)
(and other sea vegetables such as arame, wakame, nori, hijiki, dulse, etc)
Vitamins: B, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorous, iodine, selenium, zinc.
Good source of minerals not commonly found in vegetables and diet, very beneficial to nervous system, strengthens immune system, boosts metabolism, thyroid function, helps weight loss, maintains strong bones, eliminates heavy metals from system such as lead, mercury, cadmium.
Lemons Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium
Reduces haemorrhaging, blood clots, and high blood pressure. Powerful solvent, reduces arthritis, gout, acid deposits in joints. Cleanses liver, bowel, blood stream. Relieves sore throats, coughs, colds, catarrh, asthma, peptic ulcers.
Lettuce Vitamins: B, C, folic acid
Minerals: calcium, silica, potassium, phosphorous, sulphur, iodine, iron, magnesium.
Diuretic properties, cools body, reduces acidity, helps arthritis, cystitis, calms nervous system and improves sleep.
Mango Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium.
Helps inflamed stomach and mucous membranes, reduces respiratory tract inflammation, improves digestion, improves and heals the skin.
Nectarines Vitamins: B, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous
Supports digestion, helps bronchitis, asthma, rheumatic states, high blood pressure, reduces cystitis.
Parsley Vitamins: B, C, folic acid.
Minerals: sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, copper, manganese, iron, chlorophyll.
Cleanses liver, kidneys, blood stream, reduces gall stones and kidney stones, helps arthritis, urinary tract infections, excellent diuretic, maintains healthy blood vessels and eyes.
Pawpaw Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: phosphorous, potassium, iron, calcium.
Helps digestion, contains digestive enzymes, cleanses stomach, intestines, reduces intestinal ulceration, reduces blood clotting.
Peaches Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, iron
Energy booster, improves skin, reduces kidney, stomach inflammation, helps bronchitis, constipation, anaemia, high blood pressure, removes intestinal worms.
Pears Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, magnesium,
Reduces acidity, helps digestion, irritable bowel constipation, colitis, good for food allergy sufferers.
(green, red, orange, yellow, purple)
Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene, folic acid.
Minerals: potassium, silica, iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium.
Powerful intestinal and liver cleanser, high anti-oxidant, improves circulation and vision.
Vitamins: C, E, beta-carotene, folic acid.
Minerals: potassium, magnesium, sodium, selenium.
Blocks cancer-causing chemicals, stimulates brain, improves mood, powerful decongestants, relives sinus and catarrh, improves circulation, increases metabolism. Dangerous if used in excess amounts.
Pineapple Vitamins: B, E, C
Minerals: calcium, sodium, phosphorous, potassium, chlorine, magnesium.
Anti-inflammatory, helps arthritis, digestion, reduces mucous. Helps bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis.
Pomegranates Vitamins: B, C
Minerals: sodium, potassium, magnesium
Destroys intestinal parasites and worms, giardia, candida and amoeba. Cleanses blood and kidneys, mild laxative.
Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, chlorine, sodium.
Soothes stomach and digestion, relieves stomach ulcers and colon inflammation. Eases diarrhea and haemorrhoids.
Potatoes Vitamins: B, C.
Minerals: iron, potassium, phosphorous.
Good energy source, high protein, complex carbohydrates, soothes stomach and intestines.
Prunes Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium.
Helps anaemia, low blood pressure, reduces constipation, flatulence, sore throats.
(and leaves)
Vitamins: B, C, folic acid, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, silica, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, chlorine.
Cleanses liver and bile, reduces gall stones and kidney stones. Good diuretic, natural antibiotic, clears mucous, excellent for goitre, benefits hair, nails and teeth.
Raisins Vitamins: B, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, phosphorous, iron, potassium.
Reduces constipation, anaemia, fatigue, improves stamina.
Raspberries Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: iron, potassium, phosphorous.
Reduces intestinal parasites, relieves menstrual cramps, improves high blood pressure, assists weight loss.
Rhubarb Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sodium.
Improves flow of bile, gastric juices, saliva. Supports muscular activity in bowels, small intestines. Reduces intestinal parasites and constipation.  Eat raw, avoid if arthritis or kidney stones are present.
Spinach Vitamins: B, C, K, Choline, inositol, folic acid, beta-carotene.
Minerals: iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sulphur.
Heals digestive tract lining, improves vision, reduces arthritic pain. Maintains healthy blood vessels, supports kidney, liver functions. Good for anaemia. Reduces fatigue, constipation and menstrual bleeding.
Strawberries Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene
Minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous.
Cleanses skin, mild laxative & diuretic. Helps high blood pressure, gout, rheumatism.
Tomatoes Vitamins: B, C, K, carotenes, lycopene
Minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, iodine
Cleanses bile and liver, is antiseptic, reduces infections. Helps high blood pressure, gout, kidney/bladder problems.
Turning Root
Vitamins: B, C, E, beta-carotene
Minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium.
Cleanses liver, helps thyroid gland issues and cysts.
Turnip Leaves Vitamins: B, C, E, K, folic acid, beta-carotene.
Minerals: iron, phosphorous, calcium
Helps anaemia, poor appetite, digestive problems, high blood pressure, gout, bladder. Cleanses blood. Strengthens bones, nails, teeth and hair.
Watercress Vitamins: B, E, C, folic acid, beta-carotene.
Minerals: sulphur, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, iodine.
Cleanses liver, bile ducts, gall bladder and skin. . Supports kidney and reduces fluid retention. Helps arthritis, gout.
Watermelon Vitamins: B, C, beta-carotene.
Minerals: calcium, iron, potassium
Supports kidney, bladder, reduces blood pressure, cools body and reduces hot flushes. Helps depression.
Wheat grass Vitamins: B, C, E, K, folic acid, B17, beta-carotene
Minerals: calcium, zinc potassium, phosphorous, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, chlorophyll.
Cleanses blood and liver, strengthens immune system. Reduces high blood pressure and improves energy levels. Anti-ageing qualities.

When juicing it is important to note that recipes can be modified to your preference. Any allergy causing ingredients should be eliminated. Dilute the juice with water if certain ingredients cause discomforts (like garlic/onions/etc).

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